What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been used as an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for more than 3000 years. TCM is a highly sophisticated system of diagnosis and treatment designed to address the underlying cause of health problems, and in doing so, can often alleviate numerous related symptoms.
Physical and emotional well-being can be achieved by correcting energy imbalances and removing energetic blockages within the body. Throughout life, events and circumstances cause our energy and therefore blood flow, to become stagnated and deficient.
Take the metaphor of a hosepipe (an energy channel) and water (energy). As long as the hosepipe has no kinks, the water flows freely. Now imagine standing on that pipe, you will see the water behind your foot building up and in front of your foot, no water can flow. This is similar to energy blocks within your body. When you are stressed or frustrated you can feel your body tense up. The energy and blood cannot flow freely, which after time can cause headaches, sore shoulders or neck ache.
How does it work?
Using fine, sterile needles inserted into the skin at specific acupuncture points, acupuncture can release these blockages and can be used to treat a wide range of ailments. By working holistically, acupuncture can treat the individual on multiple levels, physical and emotional. Fundamentally, acupuncture can be used to initiate change within the body, which enables the patient to commence the healing process.